IT Staff Augmentation Services
Contract Number : DIR-CPO-5797
Vendor Number : 32041385728
Vendor Details
W3IT is proud to be a State of Texas DIR vendor for IT Staff Augmentation Services provided to the State of Texas, acting by and through the Department of Information Resources (DIR). As such, W3IT meets all the requirements of the State of Texas term contracts. To learn more, see the DIR Cooperative Contracts Program overview.
The IT Staff Augmentation Services contract through the State of Texas DIR (DIR-CPO-5797) is an approved means of providing temporary IT staffing services to Texas state agencies based on a negotiated hourly rate. Agencies may choose from a list of approved vendors either through a competitive solicitation that is usually sent to all vendors or by going directly to a trusted, proven vendor. Either way, services are billed on an hourly basis and all staff are subject to management and oversight by agency staff.
For a listing of ITSAC Rates: ITSAC Rate List
For a listing of the ITSAC Titles and Definitions: ITSAC Titles List
For more information on the DIR ITSAC Services, please visit DIR web site at DIR IT Staffing Services
Contract Overview
W3IT design LLC offers Information Technology Staff Augmentation Contract (ITSAC) services through this contract at set not-to-exceed labor rates. Customers may competitively solicit ITSAC services through requests for resume or statements of work (SOW). Contracts may be used by all eligible Customers including Texas State Agencies, as defined by TGC 2054.003 (13), units of Local Government, as defined by TGC 2054.003 (9), cities, counties, public school districts, municipalities, Special Purpose Districts, Institutions of Higher Education, as defined by TEC 61.003, assistance organizations, as defined by TGC 2175.001, Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA), Private Schools, as defined by TEC 5.001, Private or Independent Institutions of Higher Education, as defined by TEC 61.003, Volunteer Fire Departments, as defined by TTC 152.001, Public Safety Entities, as defined by 47 U.S.C. Section 1401, County hospitals, public hospitals or hospital districts, and public entities outside Texas, as defined by TGC 2054.0565. Resellers are not available for this ITSAC contract.
W3IT ITSAC Title Offering:
- Technical Services, Help Desk and Operations
- Support Technician (All Levels)
- Help Desk (All Levels)
- Business Continuity Analyst (All Levels)
- Product Support Analyst (All Levels)
- Web Development
- Web Developer (All Levels)
- Web Administrator (All Levels)
- Applications/Software Development
- Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Engineer (Up to Level 2)
- Business Analyst (All Levels)
- Systems Analyst (All Levels)
- Cloud Solutions Architect (All Levels)
- Enterprise Architect (All Levels)
- Data/ Database Administration
- Database Administrator (All Levels)
- Data Analyst/Report Writer (All Levels)
- Business Intelligence Analyst (All Levels)
- Networking/Telecommunications
- Network Engineer (All Levels)
- Network Administrator (All Levels)
- Telecommunications Manager (All Levels)
- Telecommunications Technician (All Levels)
- Network Operations Center (NOC) Technician (All Levels)
- Project Management and PM Office
- Project Manager (All Levels)
- Project Lead (All Levels)
- Program Manager (All Levels)
- Information Technology Service Management (ITMS)
- All Services (All Levels)
- Information Technology Marketing
- Web Content Technician/Manager (All Levels)
- Communications Coordinator (All Levels)
- Information Technology Contract Management
- IT Contract Manager (All Levels)
- IT Procurement Technician (All Levels)
- IT Contract Administrator/Technician (All Levels)
- Information Technology Security
- Data Security Analyst (All Levels)
- Security Administrator (All Levels)
- Network Security Engineer (All Levels)
- Information Security Manager (All Levels)
- Additional Specialized Roles
To Request a Quote
To request a quote or speak with a W3IT DIR specialist, call 979-446-0909 or email Must reference DIR contract number DIR-CPO-5797.
To Place Order
To place your order or speak with a W3IT DIR specialist, call 979-446-0909 or email Purchase orders may be also faxed to 979-549-1022. Must reference DIR contract number DIR-CPO-5797.
Warranty & Return Policy
Customers may provide written notice to Successful Respondent of errors, inaccuracies, or other deficiencies in products or services provided by Successful Respondent under a Purchase Order within thirty (30) calendar days or receipt of an invoice for such products or services. Successful Respondent shall correct such error, inaccuracy, or other deficiency at no additional cost to Customer.
Contact a W3IT DIR specialist at 979-446-0909 or We look forward to working together with your organization.